Am solicitat organizatorilor cehi sa-mi comunice daca se poate participa la al 77 lea rally de la Praga doar in perioada 05-08.august 2011, si care sunt costurile cu cazarea .
De asemenea am intrebat ce alte posibilitati de cazare sunt in apropiere.
Pentru organizarea zilei Romaniei in data de 06.august 2011, in tabara FICC, doreste amanunte.
Dar iata raspunsul:
Dear Constantin.
It is possible to participate only between 5 and 8 August 2011 and
a) if we do have free space on site of the Rally we would place you there for a fee of EUR 70 per adult and EUR 35 per child, plus EUR 40 for electrical connection.
b) or you may find accommodation in a camp approx. 5 km from the Rally site - address : AUTOKEMPING TRIOKAMP, Obsluzna 43, Dolni Chabry, 184 00 Praha 8 - - owner Mr. Vlastimil NEMEC. For reservation and conditions please get in touch directly with him.
Further you are talking about a Romanian day you plan to organize on 6 of August 2011. Do let us know more details about this day.
Best regards,
Bohumil STARY
PS. Este necesar, pentru cei interesati, sa ne hotaram cu privire la locul camparii pentru a face rezervarea.