Cardul CCI
Scris: 26 Dec 2009, 13:35
In urma cu ceva timp am primit de la F.I.C.C. un mesaj cu privire la modul in care se pot comanda cardurile CCI. Deoarece nu pot atasa acel document, il voi copia, rugandu-va sa aveti rabdare sa-l cititi pana la capat (sunt 5 pagini). As dori sa incercam intr-un timp scurt sa luam o decizie cu privire la comandarea acestor carduri. Cei care doresc sa participe la intalnirea F.I.C.C. din 2010, care va avea loc in Umag, Croatia in perioada 18-25 iunie 2010, vor putea participa numai in urma prezentarii cardului CCI. Astfel incat, va rog sa aveti in vedere acest lucru atunci cand va faceti planurile de vacanta.
Citind documentul primit de la F.I.C.C., propunerea mea este sa comandam carduri personalizate cu sigla ClubRV-RO. Asa cum s-a discutat deja, reamintesc propunerea ca aceste carduri sa poata fi comandate doar de catre membri ClubRV-RO.
19.05.2009 Rundschreiben
Circular 7
Re: Camping Card International (CCI) - Orders for 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have pleasure in enclosing the 2010 order form for the Camping Card International, for CCIs to be delivered at the end of this year.
For 2010, in addition to the usual plastic card with a label, we offer our clubs the possibility of ordering a modern camping card with a magnetic strip or a bar code for the storage of details concerning the holder. Clubs wishing to benefit from this offer may also have their cards encoded with the personal details of the holder for an extra fee of € 0.19 per card, or alternatively, they may encode the cards themselves if they have the necessary equipment and software. Clubs wishing to order cards with a magnetic strip or bar code should fill in the relevant box(es) on the order form.
Those wishing to have their CCI cards encoded with the personal details of the CCI holders will be given full instructions concerning the format in which the necessary data should be provided.
The company Trapinex will again be producing our plastic cards and labels for 2010.
The timetable for the receipt, processing and delivery of orders will be the same as in previous years:
31 May 2009 Deadline for receipt of orders at the F.I.C.C. Secretariat
15 June 2009 Dispatch of printers’ proofs to clubs by Trapinex
27 June 2009 Deadline for return of proofs to Trapinex
Trapinex will deal with any proofs requiring correction and send them back to the relevant clubs for second approval.
14 July 2009 Trapinex should be in possession of all the proofs and able to start printing.
By 31 October 2009 the dispatch of CCIs will be completed and by 15 November 2009 all clubs should have received their orders.
As before, the CCI and CCI booklet are offered to clubs and federations as separate items. The price of the booklet is the same as for 2009 edition i.e. €0.75. If you wish to order booklets, please do so before 31 May 2009, as we print just enough copies to meet the orders with only a very small stock, since it is an annual publication containing information valid for 2010 only.
The AIT/FIA/F.I.C.C. Liaison Committee has decided the following prices for the CCI 2010:
CCI graduated rebate system 2010
for the first 2.500 CCI per card EUR 1.42
for every additional card
from 2.501 to 10.000 per card EUR 1.25
from 10.001 to 25.000 per card EUR 1.08
from 25.001 to 50.000 per card EUR 0.93
from 50.001 per card EUR 0.80
+ Insurance
This amount does not include the cost of the CCI Information and Discount Booklet.
As before, labels will be provided free of charge to clubs ordering the same number of labels as cards. However a charge will be made to clubs ordering only labels or a larger quantity of labels than cards. Labels are no longer delivered in continuous form but in separate A4 sheets with 16 labels each (see enclosed pdf file for the lay-out). Clubs ordering extra labels will be charged €68.47 (inc. taxes) per 1000 labels.
We would like to take this opportunity of reminding you of the importance of filling in the address labels clearly with all the required data. CCIs which are unclear or incomplete may be refused by campsites.
Clubs wishing to produce their own CCI’s may do so provided that the design is identical to that of the cards produced by the 3 organisations and that a printer’s proof of the lay-out is submitted to the F.I.C.C. Secretariat. These clubs are reminded that they should make sure that the address of the CCI website ( is printed on their cards.
These clubs will be charged a royalty:
CCI royalties 2010
for the first 2.500 CCI per card EUR 1.25
for each additional card
from 2.501 to 10.000 per card EUR 0.96
from 10.001 to 25.000 per card EUR 0.80
from 25.001 to 50.000 per card EUR 0.65
from 50.001 per card EUR 0.49
+ Insurance
The CCI Information and Discount Booklet can be supplied to these clubs also, and they should fill in the relevant box on the order form, indicating how many copies they require.
A set of “Rules concerning the issue and validity of the CCI which the Liaison Committee has been drawn up in order to provide clarification for the clubs and to ensure uniformity in the presentation and lay-out of the CCI. They were sent to you earlier and have not been altered.
As for the past years, due to the import/export regulations governing the countries of the European Union, F.I.C.C. Clubs and Federations in these countries are required to state their VAT number (if having one) As usual, Clubs and Federations will be invoiced by the F.I.C.C. after delivery of the cards.
Clubs and Federations wishing to order CCI’s for 2010 should fill in the enclosed order form and return it to the F.I.C.C. Secretariat by 31 May 2009 at the latest.
We look forward to receiving your order form and thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Melanie Kögel
Order form for 2010 - Bon de commande pour 2010 - Bestellformular für 2010
Club name and address:
Clubname und Adresse:
Nom du Club et adresse:
Number of plastic Cards:……………………………………Number of labels DIN-A4 :
Anzahl Plastikkarten :………………………………………..Anzahl Etiketten DIN-A4 :
Nombre de cartes plastiques: ……………………………...Nombre d’étiquettes DIN-A4 :
Number of additional labels on DIN-A4
Anzahl zusätzlicher Etiketten auf DIN-A4: ..............................................................................................................
Nombre d’étiquettes additionnelles DIN A4
Number of cards with magnetic strip/bar code : To be personalised: YES 0 NO 0
(Please specify)
Nombre de cartes plastiques avec bande magnétique
ou code barre (veuillez indiquer svp) : ………………………….. A personnaliser : OUI 0 NON 0
Anzahl Plastikkarten mit Magnetstreifen / Streifencode : .................. Personalisieren: JA 0 NEIN 0
(bitte Ihre Wahl andeuten)
Same text as in 2009 or Changes desired (address, logo)
Gleicher Text wie in 2009 oder Änderungen gewünscht (Adresse, Logo)
Même texte qu’en 2009 ou Modifications désirées (adresse, logo)
Number of booklets
Nombre de brochures
Anzahl Broschüren English - Anglais - Englisch
French - Français - Französisch
German - Allemand - Deutsch
Dutch - néerlandais – Niederländisch - Nederlands
VAT Number / MWSteuernr. / N° de TVA:
Address for delivery of CCI:
CCI-Lieferadresse :
Adresse de livraison pour les CCI :
Contact Person / Kontakperson / Personne àcontacter :
Tel. N° Fax N° E-mail:
Signature and club stamp:
Unterschrift und Clubstempel:
Signature et cachet du club:
Please return by 31 May 2009 – Bitte bis zum 31. Mai 2009 zurücksenden - Veuillez retourner avant le 31 mai 2009 svp
Our club will be producing its own CCI’s and will submit a printer’s proof of the lay-out.
Unser Club produziert eigene CCI und wird die Druckfahne des Layouts vorlegen.
Notre club produit ses propres cartes camping (CCI) et vous soumettra l’épreuve de composition.
Number of CCIs to be produced:
Nombre de CCI àproduire:
Anzahl herzustellender CCI :
Number of booklets
Nombre de brochures
Anzahl Broschüren English - Anglais - Englisch
French - Français - Französisch
German - Allemand - Deutsch
Dutch - néerlandais – Niederländisch - Nederlands
VAT Number / MWSteuernr. / N° de TVA:
Address for delivery of booklets:
Lieferadresse Broschüren:
Adresse de livraison pour les brochures :
Contact person / Kontakperson / Personne àcontacter :
Tel. N° Fax N° E-mail:
Unterschrift und Clubstempel
Signature and club stamp
Signature et cachet du club
Please return by 31 May 2009 – Bitte bis zum 31. Mai 2009 zurücksenden - Veuillez retourner avant le 31 mai 2009 svp
Cei care doresc documentul original, ii rog sa-mi scrie pe adresa din semnatura si il voi trimite pe mail. Cei care nu inteleg textul in engleza, ii rog sa scrie ce nu au inteles, astfel incat oricare dintre ceilalti colegi sa le poata raspunde. Desi in text este specificata data de 31 mai 2009 ca data limita, in mesajul pe care l-am primit se spune ca inca putem comanda cardurile CCI. De aici si rugamintea mea de a hotara repede ce si cum.
Citind documentul primit de la F.I.C.C., propunerea mea este sa comandam carduri personalizate cu sigla ClubRV-RO. Asa cum s-a discutat deja, reamintesc propunerea ca aceste carduri sa poata fi comandate doar de catre membri ClubRV-RO.
19.05.2009 Rundschreiben
Circular 7
Re: Camping Card International (CCI) - Orders for 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have pleasure in enclosing the 2010 order form for the Camping Card International, for CCIs to be delivered at the end of this year.
For 2010, in addition to the usual plastic card with a label, we offer our clubs the possibility of ordering a modern camping card with a magnetic strip or a bar code for the storage of details concerning the holder. Clubs wishing to benefit from this offer may also have their cards encoded with the personal details of the holder for an extra fee of € 0.19 per card, or alternatively, they may encode the cards themselves if they have the necessary equipment and software. Clubs wishing to order cards with a magnetic strip or bar code should fill in the relevant box(es) on the order form.
Those wishing to have their CCI cards encoded with the personal details of the CCI holders will be given full instructions concerning the format in which the necessary data should be provided.
The company Trapinex will again be producing our plastic cards and labels for 2010.
The timetable for the receipt, processing and delivery of orders will be the same as in previous years:
31 May 2009 Deadline for receipt of orders at the F.I.C.C. Secretariat
15 June 2009 Dispatch of printers’ proofs to clubs by Trapinex
27 June 2009 Deadline for return of proofs to Trapinex
Trapinex will deal with any proofs requiring correction and send them back to the relevant clubs for second approval.
14 July 2009 Trapinex should be in possession of all the proofs and able to start printing.
By 31 October 2009 the dispatch of CCIs will be completed and by 15 November 2009 all clubs should have received their orders.
As before, the CCI and CCI booklet are offered to clubs and federations as separate items. The price of the booklet is the same as for 2009 edition i.e. €0.75. If you wish to order booklets, please do so before 31 May 2009, as we print just enough copies to meet the orders with only a very small stock, since it is an annual publication containing information valid for 2010 only.
The AIT/FIA/F.I.C.C. Liaison Committee has decided the following prices for the CCI 2010:
CCI graduated rebate system 2010
for the first 2.500 CCI per card EUR 1.42
for every additional card
from 2.501 to 10.000 per card EUR 1.25
from 10.001 to 25.000 per card EUR 1.08
from 25.001 to 50.000 per card EUR 0.93
from 50.001 per card EUR 0.80
+ Insurance
This amount does not include the cost of the CCI Information and Discount Booklet.
As before, labels will be provided free of charge to clubs ordering the same number of labels as cards. However a charge will be made to clubs ordering only labels or a larger quantity of labels than cards. Labels are no longer delivered in continuous form but in separate A4 sheets with 16 labels each (see enclosed pdf file for the lay-out). Clubs ordering extra labels will be charged €68.47 (inc. taxes) per 1000 labels.
We would like to take this opportunity of reminding you of the importance of filling in the address labels clearly with all the required data. CCIs which are unclear or incomplete may be refused by campsites.
Clubs wishing to produce their own CCI’s may do so provided that the design is identical to that of the cards produced by the 3 organisations and that a printer’s proof of the lay-out is submitted to the F.I.C.C. Secretariat. These clubs are reminded that they should make sure that the address of the CCI website ( is printed on their cards.
These clubs will be charged a royalty:
CCI royalties 2010
for the first 2.500 CCI per card EUR 1.25
for each additional card
from 2.501 to 10.000 per card EUR 0.96
from 10.001 to 25.000 per card EUR 0.80
from 25.001 to 50.000 per card EUR 0.65
from 50.001 per card EUR 0.49
+ Insurance
The CCI Information and Discount Booklet can be supplied to these clubs also, and they should fill in the relevant box on the order form, indicating how many copies they require.
A set of “Rules concerning the issue and validity of the CCI which the Liaison Committee has been drawn up in order to provide clarification for the clubs and to ensure uniformity in the presentation and lay-out of the CCI. They were sent to you earlier and have not been altered.
As for the past years, due to the import/export regulations governing the countries of the European Union, F.I.C.C. Clubs and Federations in these countries are required to state their VAT number (if having one) As usual, Clubs and Federations will be invoiced by the F.I.C.C. after delivery of the cards.
Clubs and Federations wishing to order CCI’s for 2010 should fill in the enclosed order form and return it to the F.I.C.C. Secretariat by 31 May 2009 at the latest.
We look forward to receiving your order form and thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Melanie Kögel
Order form for 2010 - Bon de commande pour 2010 - Bestellformular für 2010
Club name and address:
Clubname und Adresse:
Nom du Club et adresse:
Number of plastic Cards:……………………………………Number of labels DIN-A4 :
Anzahl Plastikkarten :………………………………………..Anzahl Etiketten DIN-A4 :
Nombre de cartes plastiques: ……………………………...Nombre d’étiquettes DIN-A4 :
Number of additional labels on DIN-A4
Anzahl zusätzlicher Etiketten auf DIN-A4: ..............................................................................................................
Nombre d’étiquettes additionnelles DIN A4
Number of cards with magnetic strip/bar code : To be personalised: YES 0 NO 0
(Please specify)
Nombre de cartes plastiques avec bande magnétique
ou code barre (veuillez indiquer svp) : ………………………….. A personnaliser : OUI 0 NON 0
Anzahl Plastikkarten mit Magnetstreifen / Streifencode : .................. Personalisieren: JA 0 NEIN 0
(bitte Ihre Wahl andeuten)
Same text as in 2009 or Changes desired (address, logo)
Gleicher Text wie in 2009 oder Änderungen gewünscht (Adresse, Logo)
Même texte qu’en 2009 ou Modifications désirées (adresse, logo)
Number of booklets
Nombre de brochures
Anzahl Broschüren English - Anglais - Englisch
French - Français - Französisch
German - Allemand - Deutsch
Dutch - néerlandais – Niederländisch - Nederlands
VAT Number / MWSteuernr. / N° de TVA:
Address for delivery of CCI:
CCI-Lieferadresse :
Adresse de livraison pour les CCI :
Contact Person / Kontakperson / Personne àcontacter :
Tel. N° Fax N° E-mail:
Signature and club stamp:
Unterschrift und Clubstempel:
Signature et cachet du club:
Please return by 31 May 2009 – Bitte bis zum 31. Mai 2009 zurücksenden - Veuillez retourner avant le 31 mai 2009 svp
Our club will be producing its own CCI’s and will submit a printer’s proof of the lay-out.
Unser Club produziert eigene CCI und wird die Druckfahne des Layouts vorlegen.
Notre club produit ses propres cartes camping (CCI) et vous soumettra l’épreuve de composition.
Number of CCIs to be produced:
Nombre de CCI àproduire:
Anzahl herzustellender CCI :
Number of booklets
Nombre de brochures
Anzahl Broschüren English - Anglais - Englisch
French - Français - Französisch
German - Allemand - Deutsch
Dutch - néerlandais – Niederländisch - Nederlands
VAT Number / MWSteuernr. / N° de TVA:
Address for delivery of booklets:
Lieferadresse Broschüren:
Adresse de livraison pour les brochures :
Contact person / Kontakperson / Personne àcontacter :
Tel. N° Fax N° E-mail:
Unterschrift und Clubstempel
Signature and club stamp
Signature et cachet du club
Please return by 31 May 2009 – Bitte bis zum 31. Mai 2009 zurücksenden - Veuillez retourner avant le 31 mai 2009 svp
Cei care doresc documentul original, ii rog sa-mi scrie pe adresa din semnatura si il voi trimite pe mail. Cei care nu inteleg textul in engleza, ii rog sa scrie ce nu au inteles, astfel incat oricare dintre ceilalti colegi sa le poata raspunde. Desi in text este specificata data de 31 mai 2009 ca data limita, in mesajul pe care l-am primit se spune ca inca putem comanda cardurile CCI. De aici si rugamintea mea de a hotara repede ce si cum.