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Scris: 14 Apr 2013, 22:27
de Dragomir Gabriel
Cosmin Prund scrie: Luni ridic de la prioripost permisul cu modificare respectiva.
Asta este cea mai sigura varianta...


Scris: 24 Iul 2013, 20:22
de Arcadie Sandu
Stie cineva ceva despre aceste campinguri? in special cel de la Gura Portitei (se poate ajunge cu rulota? ... 07764.html


Scris: 24 Iul 2013, 20:57
de Cosmin Prund
Eu stiu ca nu exista acces auto la Gura Portitei. Am vrut sa merg acolo anul trecut (sau acum 2 ani?).
Uite aici spre exemplificare: - ofertele includ transport de la Jurilovca, si daca nu ma insel inclusiv parcare la Jurilovca. Daca exista acces auto facil nu cred ca includeau in oferta parcarea si transportul din Jurilovca.


Scris: 24 Iul 2013, 21:35
de Ivan Flavius
nu poti ajunge cu masina la gura portitei!
se lasa masina la jurilovaca si de acolo exista mai multe metode de ajuns acolo ... in functie de graba fiecaruia!
mai nasol este ca de anul acesta s-a interzis camparea in afara zonei complexului, campare care pina anul trecut se facea fara plata!
eu am fost acolo anul trecut ... se pare ca nu se mai poate campa decat in zona complexului, campare cu plata, bineinteles!
o sa verific informatia si o sa va spun exact!


Scris: 24 Iul 2013, 22:27
de Arcadie Sandu
Nu sunt interesat de plimbarea cu barca incarcat de bagaje. :twisted:
Daca nu se poate ajunge cu rulota, nu prezinta interes.


Scris: 13 Dec 2013, 20:36
de Nicolae Nasalciuc


Scris: 22 Mai 2014, 14:30
de alexandru_horvath73
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu informatii (locatie, date contact) despre campinguri in Craiova? Ca pe internet nu am gasit mai nimic. Multumesc,


Scris: 22 Mai 2014, 14:41
de Liviu Teica
Nu sunt campinguri in Craiova. Nu stiu care este scopul vizitei dvs. ca sa va pot ajuta cu ceva informatii. Exista la aproximativ 25 de km de Craiova o locatie pe malul unui lac, unde pe vremuri era camping (Statiunea Victoria sau Geormane), dar a fost lasat in paragina... Daca aveti nevoie de informatii mai elaborate putem discuta pe privat. O zi buna!


Scris: 01 Feb 2015, 13:44
de Nicolae Nasalciuc
Un nou stil de tilharie .NU OPRITI MASINA!!!
Daca conduceti noaptea si vi se arunca oua crude pe parbriz in nici un caz sa nu actionati stergatoarele si sa nu stropiti parbrizul cu lichid de parbriz. Ouale amestecate cu apa vor crea un strat opac pe parbriz si nu veti mai vedea nimic, chiar si folosind stergatoarele. Atunci veti fi obligat sa va opriti si cu mare probabilitate veti fi victima unei tilharii. Lasati ouale sa curga pe parbriz fara sa incercati sa-l curatati cu stergatoarele si lichid de parbriz.
Continuati sa mergeti cu masina cit mai departe posibil de locul incidentului. Opriti-va numai atunci cind ati ajuns intr-un loc sigur. Aruncarea cu oua in parbrizul masinilor care circula noaptea este ultima gaselnita folosita de tilhari. Acest stil a fost importat din occident .


Scris: 05 Dec 2016, 13:00
de Ciprian Rosca
Our Belgian member VKCF informed us about the following:
Notre membre belge le VKCF nous a informé de ce qui suit:
Unser belgisches Mitglied VKCF informierte uns über Folgendes:
Beste FICC-leden,
Vanaf 2017 wordt 70 km/u de norm buiten de bebouwde kom in Vlaanderen. De huidige norm, 90 km/u, wordt dan de uitzondering. Dat in tegenstelling tot de meeste andere Europese landen maar ook in tegenstelling met Wallonië. Praktisch overal op de gewestwegen staan er nu om de haverklap borden die de limiet op 70 km/u leggen. Op 75% Van de gewestwegen in Vlaanderen staan deze borden. Slechts op 25% geldt de regel van 90 km/u. Deze situatie draait men nu om. 90 km/u wordt de uitzondering, aangegeven met verkeersborden. Op de andere wegen buiten de bebouwde kom is de snelheid beperkt tot 70 km/u zonder extra signalisatie. Dat zal de verkeersveiligheid ten goede komen maar is zeker zeer verwarrend voor buitenlandse bezoekers die van deze situatie niet op de hoogte zijn.

Liebe F.I.C.C. Mitglieder,
Ab 2017, werden 70 km/h die Norm außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften in Flandern. Der aktuelle Standard, 90 km/h, wird dann die Ausnahme ganz im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen europäischen Ländern und dem wallonischen Teil des Landes. Praktisch überall auf den regionalen Straßen zeigen die Schilder jetzt auf, dass die Grenze bei 70 km/h liegt. Auf 75 % der Landstraßen in Flandern findet man diese Schilder. Nur auf 25 % der Strassen gilt die Regel von 90 km/h, eine Ausnahme, die durch Verkehrszeichen gekennzeichnet wird. Auf den anderen Straßen außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften ist die Geschwindigkeit begrenzt auf 70 km/h ohne zusätzliche Beschilderung. Die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr soll hiermit besser gewährleistet werden ist aber sicherlich sehr verwirrend für ausländische Besucher, die über diese Situation nicht informiert sind.

Dear FICC members,
From 2017, the current speed limit of 90 km/h on regional roads outside built-up areas in Flanders will be the exception rather than the rule. Unlike most other European countries and, more importantly, in contrast to Wallonia, from 1 January 2017 the speed limit on regional roads will be reduced from 90 km/h to 70 km/h. In fact 70 km road signs are already in place on 75% of Flanders’ roads but next year, once this change comes into force, there will not necessarily be any extra road signs to remind drivers. The lower speed limit will certainly be good news for road safety but will be confusing for foreign visitors who may well not be aware of the change.

Chers membres de la FICC,
En Flandre, à partir de 2017, la norme en dehors des agglomérations passera à 70 km/h . La norme actuelle de 90 km/h, sera une exception contrairement à la plupart des autres pays Européens ainsi qu’en Wallonie. Pratiquement sur toutes les routes sont installés des panneaux de signalisation limitant la vitesse à 70 km/h. Sur 75 % des routes régionales, en Flandre, on trouve cette signalisation. C’est seulement sur 25 % qu’est appliquée la règle des 90 km/h. Cette situation de 90 km/h deviendra exceptionnelle et sera indiquée par une signalisation routière. Sur les autres routes, hors l’agglomération, la vitesse sera limitée à 70 km/h sans signalisation supplémentaire. La sécurité routière sera, dès lors, améliorée mais probablement très déroutante pour les visiteurs étrangers qui ne sont pas informés de cette situation.


Scris: 09 Ian 2017, 16:24
de Doru Stoicescu
O mașină cu greutatea mai mare pe fața remorcii va rula mult mai stabil, decât dacă greutatea se găsește pe spatele atelajului.
Dovada, pe youtube:


Scris: 16 Ian 2017, 12:11
de Ciprian Rosca
Dear representative of Club RV Romania,

My name is Georgi Dadov and I work as Business Development Manager for one of the most successful campsites here in Bulgaria. I have found your association by browsing through the F.I.C.C directory and thought that you might be interested in knowing a little bit more about us and cooperating with in future.

Our campsite is located 17km from the former capital of Bulgaria Veliko Tarnovo and only 110km from the Romanian-Bulgarian border. The Kapinovski Monastery Campsite is the only camping in the country build in accordance with a modern German camping model, we are spread over 35 hectares among impressive landscape with direct access to river, waterfall and within close proximity to a lake, cultural, historical and religious sites. Our guests can enjoy variety of camping conveniences, including brand new authentic Bulgarian tavern with capacity of 450 people, heated outdoor swimming pool, bar, summer restaurant, kids' playground, sports fields and many more.

We are constantly developing and improving our facilities, as a result of it the Kapinovski Monastery Camping has been voted "Best campsite inland of the country for 2016" in the prestigeous, annual poll of
Impressivey our camping won first place in all other categories that was nominated for:

- Campste with best facilities.
- Campsite with best landscape.
- Campsite with the most significant imorvements & developments.
- Preffered camping because of its location and environment.

Over the past two years our place has started to become quite popular among the Romanian camping society, however we would love to build on this trend and welcome many more Romanian guests in future, hence I believe there will be opportunities for us to partner. It will be great if we can be included in your directory so we are visible on it, in exchange we can surely negotiate preferable rates for your audience. We are of course open to any other way of collaboration that may be work for both sides.

Please have a look at our campsite: and .

I look forward hearing from you soon.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Georgi Dadov

Business Development Manager

The Kapinovski Monastery Campsite
