Re: Bun venit pe ClubRV- Topic de prezentare a noilor veniti.
Scris: 23 Mai 2023, 20:58
membra a F.I.C.C. - Federation Internationale de Camping et de Caravanning
Hi, welcome to ClubRv. Here is some discussion about camper conversion. I deal with this activity and I am happy toPassas Konstantinos scrie: ↑08 Apr 2023, 19:49I am reading the forum with google translate of course!Florin Herciu scrie: ↑05 Apr 2023, 12:46Welcome, Kostas!Passas Konstantinos scrie: ↑05 Apr 2023, 11:55 Unfortunately I do not speak the language.
My goal is to find information on how to do it (buy it as a truck and convert it or buy it as an rv and refit it).
If you think Google translate canyou, try to look here:
Do you have any section in which you write about "how to buy a vehicle (truck) from a European Union country (example Netherlands) and register it in Romania"?
Maybe this?:
So, then I will proceed with the conversion (if not already a camper) and registration as a camper.
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=7085&hilit=ConversieCiupagea Dumitru scrie: ↑11 Iun 2023, 12:59Hi, welcome to ClubRv. Here is some discussion about camper conversion. I deal with this activity and I am happy toPassas Konstantinos scrie: ↑08 Apr 2023, 19:49I am reading the forum with google translate of course!Florin Herciu scrie: ↑05 Apr 2023, 12:46Welcome, Kostas!Passas Konstantinos scrie: ↑05 Apr 2023, 11:55 Unfortunately I do not speak the language.
My goal is to find information on how to do it (buy it as a truck and convert it or buy it as an rv and refit it).
If you think Google translate canyou, try to look here:
Do you have any section in which you write about "how to buy a vehicle (truck) from a European Union country (example Netherlands) and register it in Romania"?
Maybe this?:
So, then I will proceed with the conversion (if not already a camper) and registration as a
Bun venit Ionuț, sper sa se alăture toată comunitatea noastră "campervan" și să facem lucruri frumoase aici.a_ionut scrie: ↑11 Iun 2023, 21:36 Imi cer scuze ca am avut ceva probleme la inregistrare si nu s-a facut cu numele intreg conform regulamentului dar ma prezint aici:
Antonaru Ionut din Constanta, de mai bine de 4 ani avem microbul RV, de 3 ani suntem si posesori de campervan (conversie) si nu cred sa ne despartim de domeniu prea curand. Totodata sper sa ne indreptam si copii spre el.
Va urez tuturor iesiri faca incidente si vacante cat mai frumoase si mai lungi.
Vrem sa ne ajute sa ne bucuram de iesiri in natura de acum incolo