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on 18 and 19 MAY 2019
All Council members attended the meeting apart from Mrs. Minna Joensuu and Mr. Picilli (both sent apologies).
The Agenda was unanimously aodpted.
The Minutes of the Council meeting held in Lisbon/Portugal in November 2018 were unanimously approved.
The portfolio was still in pretty good shape. 50% of the losses recorded in 2018 had already been offset.
There were no significant delayed payments at present.
It was unanimously decided that the F.I.C.C. Secretariat could now use Council members’ private e-mail addresses.
It was noted that next year, 92 camping and caravanning exhibitions would be held in China, testifying to a significant upswing in the Asian camping and caravanning market.
Commissions - Motorcaravan, Asia-Pacific, Youth
Since Mr. Les Kendrick tendered his resignation from the MoCa, the Commission has been operating with just two members.
They have come up with a project that involves sending a questionnaire to 10 different countries and perusing the resulting data to give a clear idea of the economic relevance of camping and caravanning tourism.
Campers and motorcaravanners the world over not only contribute in a positive way to local tourism, but they also constitute an important group of people who pay taxes, boost the economy of a country and form part of the electorate. So they have political relevance, a fact that should be brought to the attention not only of local authorities, but of the European Commission too.
In future only 30% of motorcaravans should run on diesel, all other vehicles should be electric, hydrogen driven or hybrid.
The caravan market is on the decine but the motorcaravan market is expanding and the market for converted vans (vehicles that can be used for different purposes) has become very popular too.
In New Zealand the latest trend is the “all-inclusive model“, a vehicle that is less polluting i.e. the grey water is retained inside until the vehicle passes a suitable dump station en route.
Germany, France and Italy have not so far levied a CO2 tax since studies have shown that flying, driving a car and using hotels and restaurants cause more pollution than travelling in a motorcaravan.
Youth rallies
The 69th F.I.C.C. Youth Rally held in the Czech Republic in April 2019 was a huge success and for the first time young Swedes took part.
204 participants had a great time at a superbly well organised event. The campsite and environs were very attractive and in addition to the barbecue evening, the very full programme included a sort of crash test with emergency rescue training and a demonstration by the local fire brigade.
The next Youth Rally will be held in Coimbra/Portugal from 8 to 13 April 2020.
To date there is no official candidate for Youth Rally 2021, but possible interest has been expressed by Spain and also by the TCS in Switzerland.
Mrs. Susan Drescher’s work contract ended on 30 April 2019. The Executive Committee decided to offer Mrs. Drescher a permanent contract with effect from 1 May 2019.
F.I.C.C. World Congress
The results from the survey of 110 participants were without exception positive. There was praise for the organisation of the congress, involving representatives of the industry, campsite operators and consumers all being brought together under one roof for the first time for an exchange of ideas. The high quality presentations were much appreciated.
Most people were in favour of organising a one and a half day congress every two years.
The Council gave its approval and agreed that the event should be held in November.
For most campsite operators this is the best time because the high season is already over by then.
Unfortunately very few F.I.C.C. member clubs participated in Lisbon, most of the interest came from elsewhere. In future workshops would be organised to coincide with the congress.
The conclusions of the first F.I.C.C. World Congress will be published in the Memorandum.
Camping Card International
Sales of the CCI was a recurrent theme under discussion at various Council and Executive Committee meetings.
In 2014/2015, F.I.C.C. consulted clubs and federations about marketing and attaching their own club benefits to the CCI. There was no noticeable response to this request unfortunately.
So the question arose as to how much publicity there should be for the CCI and whether this was the job of the F.I.C.C. or the clubs and federations and whether F.I.C.C. should bear the outlay of such an exercise given that as far as F.I.C.C. was concerned, sales of the CCI to clubs and federations only just about covered costs.
There was discussion about possible partnerships with tourism-related businesses with a view to offering advantageous prices (rebates) for CCI cardholders.
This sort of agreement has already been reached with the Red Bus company (hop-on, hop-off) in Portugal. A good number of Red Bus partners grant rebates on boat trips, in restaurants and hotels.
One possible way for F.I.C.C. to operate as a commercial undertaking i.e. travel agency, camping chain or marketing agency, could be sorted out as follows:
Any such businesses could become members of F.I.C.C., but without enjoying a full membership relationship. They would simply sell the CCI and thereby boost sales and guarantee the card’s position in the highly competitive camping card market.
This membership arrangement would however differ from that of full members. The term or title for such members could be an “associate member“ the definition of which (its requirement profile) would need to be carefully drafted and checked.
At present, full members of F.I.C.C. comprise camping, caravanning and motorcaravanning clubs and federations. The intention is that the rights and obligations of these full members remain unchanged and that they alone will have voting rights in the General Assembly and will be able to propose candidates for a seat on the Council. In addition only they can be members of Commissions.
“Associate members“ would not be part of the management structure of F.I.C.C. They could attend the General Assembly as guests or observers, but would have no voting rights or have any decisive influence over F.I.C.C.’s organisation and affairs.
CCI third party insurance
The contract with Miller insurance company has been extended to the end of 2019.
New members
The Statutes Commission approved the membership application of Kemperiu Klubas, Lithuania, after close scrutiny of the club’s statutes.
The Council unanimously approved this new admission.
Statutes and Rules of Procedure
It was decided that the Statutes need to be revised.
The Statutes should be clear and valid long-term. F.I.C.C.’s day-to-day business is governed by the Rules of Procedure that can be modified – if need be - at no great expense.
The Council agreed that professional advice should be sought about F.I.C.C.’s Statutes from a specialist lawyer so as not to run the risk of the umbrella organisation compromising its status as a “non-profit-making organisation“.
In this respect, the Statutes Commission has been asked to draw up guidelines.
Subsequently F.I.C.C. will consult a specialist lawyer (one recommended by the FAIB Fédération des Associations Internationales en Belgique) and at the same time seek legal advice on data protection regulation for the CCI.
In addition, there was discussion about F.I.C.C:’s three official languages, French, English and German. All Council members agreed that it would be logical if all future Council meetings could be conducted in one language, preferably English as a majority of members speak this language.
A change in the Rules of Procedure was proposed concerning obligatory attendance at Council meetings. Council members who repeatedly miss meetings should provide a legitimate reason (e.g. serious illness), otherwise they should be relieved of their duties.
Rally candidate package
The Council decided that all clubs and federations that put in a bid to organise an F.I.C.C. rally, should provide the Secretariat with the following documents: full details of their project such as the time line, rally venue and facilities/infrastructure (photos and plans), accessibility (roads and traffic, air and rail connections), booking fees, letters of support from local tourism and municipal authorities, programme (entertainment and excursions) and cost estimate. The Council should have sight of these documents before recommending bids to the General Assembly.
Post script/addendum to the rally contract
The Council decided that the level of the rally share payable by the organisers to F.I.C.C. should not in future be defined as no more than 10% of the rally booking fee, but should be a fixed price. By setting a fixed net price, misunderstandings can be avoided in the future.
Rally Germany 2018
The rally share was paid at the end of the year and the rally report is reprinted in the Memorandum.
Rally France 2019
It had been pointed out that direct booking and payment of the rally booking fee as mentioned on the FFCC website is against rally regulations. As always, bookings must be checked by clubs.
FFCC has reported that the deadline for bookings has been extended to 15.06.2019 and pointed out the direct booking on the website was only intended for French club members.
The federation also mentioned that the presentation of future rallies will take place before the International Evening on 01.08.2019. No country’s presentation should be longer than 10 minutes.
Rally Japan 2019
Unfortunately there is very little publicity in club magazines regarding the 89th F.I.C.C. Rally in Fukushima-Japan this coming autumn. The Japanese organiser supplied a lot of publicity for the event last year in Paaren and since the end of last year has ensured that there has been a steady flow of information.
There was discussion about the booking procedure for the Japan Rally: originally bookings had to be made via the Japanese website, then the arrangements were changed and bookings must now be made via clubs.
Deadline 31st July 2019
Rally Italy 2020
ACTItalia returned the rally contract duly signed back to the Secretariat at the end of February 2019.
Rally Ireland 2021
The F.I.C.C. President and the Rally Liaison Officer inspected the rally venue near Dublin/Ireland on 08.05.2019. As the federation has rented the whole complex the General Assembly can be held on the rally site.
The Council unanimously approved the choice of the venue for the 2021 General Assembly.
Future rallies
In June 2018, Polska Federacja Campingu a Caravaningu/Poland already expressed interest in organising the F.I.C.C. rally in 2022. The F.I.C.C. rally liaison officer has requested full details of the project before the forthcoming Council meeting in Châteaubriant. So far Poland is the only candidate to host the rally in 2022.
Next Council meeting
The next Council meeting will be held at 9 am on Tuesday, 30 July in Châteaubriant.
Cateva cuvinte despre scrisoarea din informare de mai sus (NEWSLETTER) de la F.I.C.C. ( federatia INternationala de Camping si Caravaning ) la care noi Asociatia CLubrv suntem afiliati .
In prima parte a scrisorii de informare se anunta un raliu ce va avea loc intre 9 si respectiv 13 apr 2020 in Coimbra / Portugalia.
Mai jos este anutat ”NORDIC CAMPING RALLY 2020 from 6 to 10 July 2020 in Rauhalahti
(Kupio) / Finland under F.I.C.C. patronage”
la un camping de 5 stele in estul Finlandei la 400km de Helsinki langa KUPIO la campingul Rauhalati .
Apoi sunt anuntate cele 3 raliuri importante 90 , 91 , 92 ca si numar de ordine ..
cel din 2020 este dupa cum stiti la Ostea Roma 24 iul -2 aug unde vor participa si echipaje de la noi din CLUBRV ROMANIA .
from 24 July to 2 August 2020
alte informatii aici...
apoi al 91 lea...
va fi la DUBLIN / IRLANDA 2021
iar urmatorul in 2022 in Rusia la Moskova...
Pt a va inscrie la oricare din aceste evenimente noi cei din CD ( Consiliul DIrector CLUBRV ROMANIA ) va stam la dispozitie.
Orice membru asociat (cotizant ) ClubRV se poate inscrie la aceste evenimente in baza legitimatiei internationale F.I.C.C. emisa de CLUBRV ROMANIA , singura organizatie din tara noastra afiliata la F.I.C.C. ( Federatia Internationala de Camping si Caravaning ) .
Autorulota Ford Chausson Flash
IF 26 CIP Lupu Ciprian & Irina
Tel. 0722.227.048 e-mail:
F.I.C.C. a fost admis ca membru afiliat al Organizației Mondiale a Turismului Națiunilor Unite - UNTWO .
Calitatea de membru in care va activa F.I.C.C. este de a apăra interesele campingului, rulotei și autorulotei la nivel internațional.
Sediul UNTWO se află la Madrid. Organizația abordează teme precum turismul durabil, etic și gastronomic, iar F.I.C.C. este prima asociație de camping/caravaning care a primit statutul de membru al acestei organizații mondiale.
Președintele Joao Pereira va participa la următoarea ședință care va avea loc cu prilejul Adunarii Generale din Sankt Petersburg / Rusia.
F.I.C.C. are acum are dreptul să includă logo-ul UNTWO pe propriul său site web.