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Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 08 Feb 2023, 19:08
Si noi suntem interesati de eveniment
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 08 Feb 2023, 19:40
de Lupu Ciprian
Ne inscriem fam Stancu Marius George, Scolareanu Petre, Lupu Ciprian, Nastase Cristi, Nistor Iulian, Dobran Marian și finul sau Bejan care ar vrea la casa mobila. E singurul fără rulota
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 08 Feb 2023, 19:47
de Relu Deliu
Participam si noi, Relu si Gina Deliu.
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 08 Feb 2023, 20:01
de alexandru popa
Participam si noi, Ioana, Alex si 2 copii!
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 09 Feb 2023, 08:35
de Ciprian Rosca
Welcome to F.I.C.C. World Camping Festival in Croatia
Campers from all over the World will have the opportunity to visit Croatia this year and to discover its many treasures, both natural and cultural. The occasion is the F.I.C.C. World Camping Festival that will take place from 23rd of June till 1st of July in the beautiful Zaton Holiday Resort near Nin in Zadar Region.
Croatia is one of the most popular camping destinations in Europe and its central location is sure to attract many camping enthusiasts to participate in this Festival taking place for the first time.
Year 2023 is very special for us at F.I.C.C. We will celebrate our 90th anniversary and also the very first World Camping Day that will take place on June the 29th. We are preparing a very varied program suitable for families, singles, for the young and the young at heart. I am sure that visits to Croatian natural and cultural sights will be an experience to remember.
Also, I would like to express our sincerest thanks to the hosts and co-organisers - Zaton Holiday Resort, the sponsors who are supporting this F.I.C.C. event, as well as to all those workers and volunteers collaborating with us on this project.
In these very particular times, outdoor activities, especially camping and the campers with their behaviour and respect for each other, for nature and different cultures, show that this amazing kind of tourism is one of the best ways to travel and meet friends from all over the world.
On behalf of F.I.C.C. I would like to welcome you to this Festival and I am convinced that all camping, caravanning and motor-caravanning enthusiasts will take home some truly memorable impressions from this beautiful country.
I wish you all a friendly and safe stay in Croatia!
oão Alves Pereira
F.I.C.C. President
F.I.C.C. World Camping Festival
Zaton Holiday Resort, 23.06. – 01.07.2023.
44.22842331917413, 15.16915813552904
Dražnikova 76t, HR-23232 Nin
T. +385 23 280280, +385 23 280215
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 09 Feb 2023, 10:13
de Ciprian Rosca
Buna dimineata.
Pentru cei care vor participa la aceasta intalnire:
Cine nu a primit tricouri cu sigla clubului,astept mesaj cu marimea.0741015477,
Numai cine nu a primit echipament.
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 09 Feb 2023, 13:54
de Ciprian Rosca
Lista cu participanti la World Camping Festival 2023/// Zaton Holiday Resort (Zadar-Croatia)
23.06. 2023-- 01.07.2023.
1. Popa Violeta (IS) - 2 persoane
2. Cristea Violeta (AG)-2 persoane
3. Petre Scolareanu (B)-2 persoane
4. Stancu Marius George (B) -3persoane ;2 adulti+1copil
5. Lupu Ciprian (B)-2 persoane
6. Nastase Cristi (B)-2 persoane
7. Nistor Iulian (B)-x persoane ;x adulti+xcopii
8. Dobran Marian (B)-x persoane ;x adulti+xcopii
9. Bejan Florin (B)-x persoane ;x adulti+xcopii
10.Deliu Aurelian (B)-2 persoane
11.Grecoff Adrian (B)-2 persoane
12.Gheorghe Cristi&Geta (B)-2 persoane
13. Popa Alexandru (B)-4 persoane ;2 adulti+2 copii
14 Rosca Ciprian (VS)-2 persoane
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 09 Feb 2023, 14:40
de Ciprian Rosca
Dupa cum se vede in programul de mai jos pe data de 28.06 este Adunarea Generala F.I.C.C..
Poate este cineva interesat sa candideze pentru un loc in conducerea F.I.C.C.-ului .Sa ma contacteze pentru a primi cererea de candidatura.Bafta!
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 10 Feb 2023, 11:44
de Ciprian Rosca
15 Vasilescu Aurel (AG)-2 persoane
16.Scarlat Marin (AG)-2 persoane
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 10 Feb 2023, 14:40
de Pavel Emilian Mihai
Prezent la aceasta întâlnire 2 adulți și un copil
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 14 Feb 2023, 21:17
de nedelcu maricel
Bună seara!
Participam și noi, fam. Nedelcu- 2 adulti ( posibil și copil 13 ani)
Re: 2023 F.I.C.C. International Camping Festival-Croatia
Scris: 18 Feb 2023, 16:00
de Cristian Nastase
Salut, am achitat rezervarea