Uite ce mi-au raspuns niste englezi:
I've done all the lower half from Val Cenis to the Med with a caravan (and over Mont Cenis into Italy) If you feel competent and confident in tackling steep hairpins and narrow mountain roads there is no problem. You will need plenty of torque for some of the bends which slow you so much you are doing a standing start on a steep tilting slope although none of the gradients are excessive as such. I had a Citroën C5 2.2 HDI the first time and a Hyundai Terracan 2.9 diesel the second and third times both pulling a 155kg van. I've also done the Colle della Maddalena and the Col de la Bonette in the northern half but can't

above there. Be cautious descending long downhill stretches. The weight of the van may keep the hitch compressed applying the van brakes and this will cause overheating.
I have done parts of this route and much of it is possible with a well matched outfit. However some of the passes are unsuitable for caravans eg Galibier, and caravans are prohibited on others eg Cayolle. If you haven't already got it the Caravan Club Touring Guide of Europe it has very useful information about the major passes.
Also pay particular attention to what Beejay says about van brakes they can get very hot! Take advantage of any laybys to let your brakes cool down.
Niciodata sa nu mergeti cu viteza mai mare decat poate ingerul vostrul pazitor sa zboare...
George Marcu @ maurice
Campervan Weinsberg CaraBus 600DQ